recent work
dylan phipps
Most often I use the camera as a tool to understand my relationship to those closest to me; such has been the driving force behind my
compulsion to take pictures since the very first rolls of film I shot
just three years ago. Beginning subconsciously, this compulsion
manifested itself as I exclusively photographed my grandparents and brothers for every project in my photo class during my senior year of high school. As time has gone on I’ve explored additional relationships but continually find myself desiring to work with the same 5 or 6 people. The repetitive nature of this process has completely changed my relationship to each of these people, for bette and for worse. This method allows me to gain understanding about who I am, who they are, and who we are in proximity to each other.
Dylan Phipps (b.1998) is an artist from Dayton, OH currently pursuing
his BFA in Photography at the Columbus College of Art & Design.
Dylan’s work seeks to exist between reality and inner fantasy and thu takes on a “pseudo-documentary” approach. His primary interest in recent years is in working with select family members and friends.